Found 21 matches for .recipes:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
prawn.recipesJuly 2016$ 2,500.00 USDUniregistry
secret.recipesJanuary 2016$ 627.00 USDNameJet auction
fish.recipesDecember 2015$ 400.00 USDUniregistry
b.recipesOctober 2016$ 99.00 USDFlippa auction
sushi.recipesFebruary 2021$ 91.00 USDDynadot
all.recipesNovember 2019$ 85.20 USDDynadot
c.recipesMay 2019$ 74.00 USDFlippa auction
x.recipesMay 2016$ 65.00 USDFlippa auction
candy.recipesOctober 2021$ 58.50 USDDynadot
alcohol.recipesApril 2016$ 50.00 USDFlippa auction
effortless.recipesJanuary 2015$ 50.00 USDFlippa auction
thai.recipesNovember 2021$ 46.99 USDDynadot
abc.recipesFebruary 2022$ 45.99 USDDynadot
asian.recipesSeptember 2021$ 45.99 USDDynadot
dogtreat.recipesMarch 2021$ 45.99 USDDynadot
lunch.recipesAugust 2021$ 45.99 USDDynadot
online.recipesNovember 2018$ 45.99 USDDynadot
southern.recipesFebruary 2022$ 45.99 USDDynadot
thai.recipesAugust 2019$ 45.99 USDDynadot
clean.recipesNovember 2014$ 21.00 USDFlippa auction
superfoods.recipesJanuary 2017$ 20.00 USDGoDaddy auction

Total price amount in this set of 21 domain name sales is 4,509.62 USD; average price is 214.74 USD.

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